030 - Zoe | 2 miscarriages, pregnancy after loss, induction, pethidine, jaundice, postnatal anxiety
031 - Lily | 2nd birth, homebirth, BBA, physiological birth, TENS, water birth, doula
032 - Georgie | type 1 diabetes, premature baby, labour ward, gas & air, episiotomy, extended breastfeeding
033 - Laura | hypnobirthing, hospital birth, gas & air, OP baby, coached pushing, ARM, breastfeeding
034 - Nicole | conscious conception, doula, birth pool, meconium, homebirth transfer, epidural, ventouse
035 - Leone | homebirth, hypnobirthing, doula, OP baby, physiological birth, cephalohematoma
036 - Nina | hospital birth, sweep, CTG, c-section, breastfeeding challenges
037 - Annie | IVF, growth scans, induction of labour, uterine hyperstimulation, c-section
038 - Rachel | third baby, congenital hepatic fibrosis, planned c-section, doula, breastfeeding
039 - Lottie | luteal phase defect, subchorionic haematoma, hydropnephrosis, foramen ovale valve, c-section, severe jaundice, urosepsis, pelvi-uteric junction obstruction, postnatal depression & anxiety
040 - Lottie | labour ward, positive induction, epidural, fetal scalp electrode, ventouse, DMER, combi feeding
041 - Harriet | ICSI, hyperemisis gravidarum, homebirth, physiological birth, gas and air, waterbirth
042 - Clementine | physiological birth, labour ward, hypnobirthing, waterbirth, lactation consultant, breastfeeding
043 - Leonora | 4 early losses, reflexology, progesterone, incompetent cervix, cervical cerclage, bed rest, c-section
044 - Anna | MLU, birth pool, gas & air, GBS positive, PPH, 2nd degree tear
045 - Arron Suzzette | endometriosis, PCOS, gestational diabetes, hypnobirthing, consultant lead care, induction, CTG, c-section, combi feeding
046 - Helena | physiological birth, MLU, GBS positive, gas and air, waterbirth, PPH, breastfeeding
047 - Chloe | hypnobirthing, doula, MLU, waterbirth, physiological third stage, second degree tear, tongue tie
048 - Chantal | LGA baby, membrane sweep, induction, category 2 C-section, breastfeeding
049 - Katie | Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, chronic pain, hospital birth, hypnobirthing, GBS positive, ARM, pandemic pregnancy, jaundice
050 - Rochelle | Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, early miscarriage, meconium, ARM, labour ward, high blood pressure, pethidine, epidural, episiotomy, triple feeding
018 - Lucy | hypnobirthing, PGP, labour ward, positive induction, syntocin drip, gas and air, water birth, foetal scalp electrode
019 - Minnie | harmony test, low PAPP-A, growth scans, pre-eclampsia, c-section, small baby, jaundice
020 - Kat | 2 births, amenorrhea, letrozole, hypnobirthing, homebirth, waterbirth, episiotomy
021 - Ellie | US maternity system, doula, hypnobirthing, epidural, pitocin, nuchal hand, NICU
022 - Phoebe | Bali homebirth, independent midwife, hypnobirthing, long labour, fundal pressure manoeuvre, perineal trauma, breastfeeding
023 - Ellie | 2 births, primary amenorrhea, infertility, IVF, hemiplegic migraine, homebirth, meconium, labour ward, hypnobirthing
024 - Anna | 2 births, sweep, induction, epidural, ARM, forceps, episiotomy, PPH, hypnobirthing, physiological birth, placenta encapsulation, manual clot removal
025 - Jess | 2 births, continuity of care, sweep, pethidine, MLU, 2nd degree tear, homebirth, gas & air, physiological birth
026 - Grace | IVF, placenta praevia, antepartum haemorrhage, planned c-section, placenta encapsulation, tongue tie
027 - Natalie | 2 births, covid lockdown, MLU, birth pool, episiotomy, forceps, NICU, twins, doula, ARM
028 - Georgie | 2 births, covid, sweep, induction, emergency c-section, NICU, labour ward, VBAC, epidural
029 - Emma | 2 births, MLU, gas & air, water birth, continuity of care, homebirth transfer, ARM, co-sleeping, mastitis
007 - Sophie | miscarriage, pregnancy after loss, growth scans, doula, MLU, waterbirth, second degree tear
008 - Suzie | homebirth, student midwife, hypnobirthing, water birth, congenital pneumonia, breastfeeding
009 - Holly | 2 births, emergency c-section, general anaesthetic, elective c-section, breastfeeding
010 - India | 2 miscarriages, planned c-section, breech baby, breastfeeding challenges, tongue tie, mastitis
011 - Natalie | emetophobia, PGP, birth pool, epidural, general anaethestic, emergency c-section
012 - Jaime | OP baby, TENS, pethidine, birth pool, epidural, rhombus of michaelis, syntocin, shoulder dystocia
013 - Louise | identical twins, physiological birth, premature babies, 2nd degree tear, NICU, respiratory distress syndrome
014 - Georgia | gestational diabetes, GBS positive, doula, water birth, MLU, physiological third stage, tongue tie
015 - CJ | PCOS, hypnobirthing, PGP, MLU, pethidine, birth pool, spinning babies, ragged placenta, jaundice
016 - Serena | pregnancy after loss, doula, GBS positive, hypnobirthing, MLU, diamorphine, birth pool, urinary retention, placenta encapsulation
017 - Kim | homebirth, epi-no, urinary retention, birth pool, gas and air, physiological third stage, delayed cord clamping, breastfeeding
001 - Sarah | PCOS, heart condition, balloon induction, ARM, breech baby, C-section, breastfeeding
002 - Lily | long labour, hospital birth, doula, mobile epidural, OP baby, spinning babies, perineal massage
003 - Monika | morning sickness, hospital birth, induction, diamorphine, epidural, episiotomy, forceps, nuchal cord
004 - Sam | C-section, rhesus negative, hypnobirthing, placenta donation, postnatal depression
005 -Lily | physiological birth, MLU, doula, urinary retention, TENS, hypnobirthing, birth pool, placenta encapsulation
006 - Tania | independent midwife, homebirth transfer, birth pool, forceps, lactation consultant, extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping